Relavent Coursework

Here is a network of courses I have taken at the University of Mary Washington for my Computer Science degree!

CPSC 110: Intro to Computer Science

I learned the fundamentals of programming, from variables and loops, to conditionals and functions using Python.

CPSC 220: Computer Programming and Problem Solving

Here I learned about Java, from its fundamentals all the way to class declarations and a bit of recursion.

CPSC 240: Object-Oriented Design and Analysis

This class was more on Java, using concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. I also learned a number of design patterns, like the Singleton and Factory patterns.

CPSC 225: Software Development Tools

This class taught me how to use the command line, created small scripts, navigate and create directories, and learn about version control tools git and GitHub.

CPSC 305: Computer Systems and Architecture

This class was all about learning C and Assembly. I also learned about memory, hardware, and logic.

CPSC 340: Data Structures and Algorithms

This class taught me about common data structures like linked lists, trees, heaps, and graphs. I also learned a number of sorting algorithms like selection sort and merge sort. Time and space complexity were topics also covered in this class.

CPSC 350: Databases

In this class I learned about html/css, SQL for querying databases, and PHP.

CPSC 405: Operating Systems

In this class I learned about operating systems and how they work by using C and XV6.